Foundation CEER

Center for Euroregional Studies Galicia - Northern Portugal

A tool at the service of public universities in the Galicia - Northern Portugal Euroregion

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Strategic Alliance

The Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion continues to be one of the most active cross-border regions in attracting European funds. Working for cross-border cooperation in the Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion is the top priority commitment of the CEER Foundation.

Through various European programs, since its creation in 2004, the CEER Foundation has participated in the launch and management of different projects with the capture of more than 20 million euros for the financing of more than 20 cooperation projects.

Through efficient cross-border cooperation, we all win, in an atmosphere of mutual trust that manages to stimulate business and joint work. Betting on intelligence, hard work, effort, and inclusion, contributing to the transfer of knowledge, advances, and tools generated within universities for the benefit of society.

Featured projects

  • Green Gap
  • Iacobus
  • Atlantic Sunset
  • Renatur Outes
  • Atlantic Positive